Tuesday 22 July 2008

Peel from the Air

I suppose many of the viewers of this blog [ ha ha!.....one....if Miss Wisconsin gets to see it ] would like to see the little town where I live and always going on about....yawn yawn ! You can easily see the Castle on St Patrick's Isle and the Breakwater and the town itself, sheltered under the bulk of Peel Hill on the right . Looking on the right of the picture also, you might see a biggish building with a tall chimney. That is the Power Station where yours truly earned his few crusts. And if you look carefully , you might see a certain Manx guy mooching about....unless he is in the pub, of course ! Anyway, he is down there somewhere .

Well, if you are reading this, you obviously found this blog. This is a fairly simple lay out.....they can be made a lot more artistic than this. Anyway,, hope you are enjoying it. By the way, even though Peel is only a small fishing port it is known as a city cos we got a Cathedral....in fact we got two !
Also Peel is known as the Sunset City...some sunsets behind the Castle can be pretty spectacular .

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