Friday 25 July 2008

Looking South from Peel

Another picture , this time from Peel Hill looking South down the West Coast towards Bradda Head with the Calf of Man in the far distance. As Peel lies mid way along the West Coast you can see that the Isle of Man is not such a very large place and as I have said so often too far and you fall into the sea .! Peel, as we know it today, started of as a jumble of old fishermen's cottages and twisty, narrow streets built on a sand spit alongside Peel's river, the Neb . Dating from late 18 th Century, most of these old houses are still standing , indeed all are renovated with all mod cons. Peel is built on sand, in fact the whole area is sand. Want some? Dig down a foot or so in your back garden and there it is ! Most of old Peel is built of the local red sandstone. [see earlier photo in this blog ] but it doesn't weather very well so all buildings are cement rendered.. The Cathedral is built also of the red sandstone, but of a harder variety which erodes less and the whole Church glows pink in the setting sun .... History lesson over !!! Double click on the picture to enlarge.

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