Tuesday 12 August 2008

Niarbyl News

Whilst on the subject of the Niarbyl , I just found a few more pictures. The view to the South was taken from just above ' Ned Divine's ' cottage. The hills in the back ground drop down from about 1800 ft right into the sea. The little cottage you can see was until recently occupied by an elderly lady, until some thugs broke into the place, attacked her and made off with some bits and pieces. They were caught !. The other picture shows the reef, which is right outside Ned's front door, sticking out into the sea. Incidentally, this reef is covered at high water......quite a hazard to boats. ...The picture was taken from ....yn traie bane....the white beach, so called because of the many white stones there. ..... There is a little plaque on the bench you can see in the picture which says:...'.Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits.' Sums up the Manx character, that's for sure.!..... I was last down at this little beach a few years ago with Helen when we walked along the cliff path from the Niarbyl...

I just put a couple more pictures on to show how hilly the Island is ....one taken from above Port Erin and one near Tholt y Will, , on the lower slopes of Snaefell......but much of the Island is the same. Pretty bumpy, eh ! With all these hills it is not surprising at the number of glens to be found on the on the Island....thickly wooded river valleys running down to the sea. I say rivers, but our longest river, the Sulby, is all of 10 miles long and on a good day the water may come up to your knees . Anyway, hope you are enjoying the show so far .....don't forget ....click on a picture to enlarge .

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